Morning Naps: Baby Einstein

Results 21-30 from 361 articles

Trouble Getting 5 Month Old to Nap in Crib

L.O. asks from New York

I am having a hard time getting my almost 5 month old down for naps in his crib. I look for his sleeping cues but can't always get it just right. When I don't get it ...


9 Month Old Baby Doesn't Know How to Fall Asleep on Her Own/trouble Taking Naps

S.C. asks from Boston

Our wonderful 9 month old daughter is usually rocked to sleep at night (around 6 PM). She wakes up at 5 AM and then gets sleepy at around 8 am. I have been strugg...


Seeking Advice for Cranky 5 Month Old Who Refuses to Nap

J.G. asks from St. Louis

I have a 5 month old baby boy who up until 4 months old was the happiest baby I have ever seen. Most days he would not even cry once, slept great at night, napped gre...


7 Mo Old Won't Nap Long and Has a BAD Temper!

A.S. asks from Houston

hi, I have two issues with our 7 mo old little girl and I hope you can help. first, she will not nap for more than 45 minutes. You can set your watch by her! ...


16 Weeks Old - She WILL NOT Nap Unless She Is Being Held or in a Sling... HELP!

K.P. asks from San Francisco

I need your help ladies! We are Attachment Parenting and co-sleeping with our daughter (16 weeks) a la Dr. Sears. Sleeping at nighttime is not a problem, she sleeps...


Help Getting My 3 Month Old to Nap....

D.B. asks from San Diego

I have a beautiful baby boy who just turned 3 months old....He has never been able to fall asleep on his own for naps, but needs us to rock or hold him or walk around...


14 Month Old Suddenly Developing Fears

A.V. asks from Las Vegas

My once independent and fearless little boy has suddenly started developing fears. He is scared of certain toys, and images on DVD's (Baby Einstein). He starts cryi...


Need Advice: Is It Too Young for a 10 Month Old to Watch TV?

T.B. asks from Pittsburgh

About a month ago I got out some baby Einstein DVD's and my son fell in love with them. He gets so excited to watch them. The best part is that I can turn that on and...


Baby Einstien Dvds...& 3 Month Old Entertainment

C.W. asks from Austin

ok, so I KNOW that the TV is not a babysitter... we really don't watch it much in my house anyway except for news and movies once in a while. I have noticed that when...


11 Month Old- Bad Sleep Habbits!

B.B. asks from Nashville

my daughter will not go to bed until 2 am some nights, but never before midnight. I've tried cutting down her naps, and evening letting her cry for up to 45 minuets -...