"TV watching "rewires" an infant’s brain, says Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis lead researcher and director of the Child Health Institute at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Wash. The damage shows up at age 7 when children have difficulty paying attention in school."
Babies & Toddlers parked in front of the TV at risk for developing ADHD
TV linked to ADHD
Article: Risks of TV
Do a google search for Jane Healy and No TV under age 2. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends no TV under age 2 thanks in part to her research.
Jane Healy's book - Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think and What we Can do about it
Healy devotes a whole chapter to Sesame Street and explains because the segments are so short and zip so fast, it primes the mind for fast paced movement and doesn't do the brain much good. (If you want your kids to develop ADHD, that's a sure way to help it.) It really opened my eyes with my first born and it helped me to really limit TV and be critical of what my kids watch. For example, I prefer MAX AND RUBY because that is more slow paced. I think that's better. But I would hold off on TV. Definitely don't start it before age 2.
The very best thing to do for your baby is hold them (get a back carrier like the ERGO if you don't like the Bjorn or sling)
or put them on the floor on their back. The FLOOR GYM is ideal at this age.
When she is ready, she will roll over to her tummy and do her own tummy time: roll over stretching, reaching for her toys time. That's what I did when I needed a break. When I took a bath (so she could see me and not freak out), I had my daughter in the bouncy seat or on the floor (towel, clean yoga mat) as she was older. I never used an exersaucer long term (just for 5 minutes here and there) because I didn't want to limit her body movement. She was getting more benefit by moving her body than my limiting it. If I really, really needed her to be parked somewhere, that's when I used it. So I made sure to get one cheap & gently used one from a garage sale (since I knew I wasn't going to use it long).
That site has great DVDs (wish more parents could see it) which shows the various stages of locomotion for babies and toddlers and how important it is for brain & eye development.
Those Baby "Einstein" DVDs are marketing nonsense. You can learn more here:
I have 2 kids, ages 10 and 6 and I was very careful with my firstborn, limiting TV. Now that has flown out the window and they watch 30 minutes each day and I hate it. It turns into fights and they prefer watching shows I don't want them to watch (Victorious being the latest one, most stuff on Nick & Disney channel are garbage). Some shows on TV are good and fine, but others I would prefer to pass.
I agree with Heidi H. Hold off as long as you can. It does get addicting for them and it's not good for them. They need to play and move their bodies and they can do that if you give them the chance.