I run about 3 times per week about 3 miles a time and am looking for a good middle-priced jogger that will fit my needs. My son is 6 months old so comfort for...
Our baby girl is 6 months old and we are wondering what stroller to get her. She is growing very fast, in the 99% percentile for height. I would like a light weight...
I have a 2.5 year-old son and just had a baby girl. I have been debating whether or not to get a double stroller. My son likes to walk, and is usually pretty good a...
I am looking for a good double jogging stroller and am looking for suggestions. I have a 4 year old with special needs so the "cockpit" needs to be deep enough becau...
Hi, mommies! Need your help! I am overwhelmed with the options when it comes to double strollers. There are good and bad reviews on almost every single one. Wanted t...
I recently had a baby and want to start jogging again. I am wondering if I need to buy a jogger stroller or if I can use the regular stroller? Anyone have any good ...
I need to get a jogging stroller, but before I spend the money, I want to know what features are a must and what brands are best. Thanks for any advice you can give me!
I want to get a double jogging stroller, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good one? I really like the BOB strollers, but I'm not sure I want to spend ...
I'm thinking of purchasing a Bugaboo Frog for our 9 1/2 month old. I'd be interested to hear anybody's opionion on this stroller and if you've found it's worth the m...
Does anyone have a double jogging stroller that they love? I am not interested in the BOB strollers. My girls are 3 and 4 and I need something that can toler...