I need some advice. My 8-year-old grandson, along with my daughter (his mom) lived with me for the first 6 years of my grandson's life. My daughter and his father d...
My 5 year old just started taking the bus to kindergarten, he really likes school, the kids, and the bus ride. But the boy who is assigned next to him, also 5 (but ...
My son turns one at the beginning of January, he's still breastfeeding because he LOVES it and doesn't want a bottle or sippycup, and more importantly won't sleep thr...
Does anyone else have problems pumping? I've returned back to work after having my second baby, and usually have to pump at least once, possibly twice during the day...
Hi, I'm a mother of an 6 almost 7 month ( the 18th)old boy who is 17lb and my question is about when to feed him what and how much. here is my problem i think he want...
When my son was born He was diagnosed colicky baby. For his first 2 years of life He seemed always upset, crying all the time, voracious about food, const...
My daughter was taking the bottle (of breast milk) since the fourth day until about a month ago. Now, she refuses to take the bottle. We will get a sitter at 6...
The one thing I have to buy myself is a breast pump and I can't decide what kind to get. I have been looking at reviews on babycenter.com for different pumps. The e...
Hello everyone I have a question about frozen breastmilk. I want to know how I can tell if my breast milk is freezer burnt. I have tried two different kinds of stor...
Most people think I'm exagerating about this until they meet my 5 year old son or hear what he actually eats. For the past 4 1/2 years I have tried everything to get...