My ten month old also has reflux. We saw Dr. Marcus at the Children's Center for Digestive Health Care. LLC ( He was wonderful. He explained to us that reflux is usually caused by a weak muscle that controls the valve at the top of the stomach. The Zantacs, Prilosecs, and Prevacids only reduce the amount of acid in the stomach (and consequently the amount of acid in the spit-up) so that the reflux/spit up doesn't erode the lining of your child's esophagus. They don't do anything to reduce the amount of vomit and spit up. As of now, there is no available medicine to control the valve at the top of the stomach. There are some meds that make the stomach drain faster, but they have scary side effects and should only be used in children who are failing to gain weight.
My son also throws up liquids much more than solids. Dr. Marcus said that thicker foods stay in the stomach better, as they take more force to expel. For that reason, he has had us increase the amount of solids we give our son and suggested we change him to a thickened formula (such as Enfamil AR). We did not put him on formula (he is breast-fed), but we have upped the amount of solid food we give him, and that helps.
Dr. Marcus said that eventually the muscle will get stronger, but until then, we just have to put up with the spit up. As long as your child is growing, thriving, and not really fussy, I wouldn't worry about it.
Dr. Marcus also tested my son's stool for microscopic blood to rule out a milk allergy.