As for when and what to eat, we followed the nurse/feed when hungry, sleep when tired, no schedule for years model. When solid food entered the picture we did have regular mealtimes but still no set schedule. This doesn't work for everyone (I worked from home for first 2 years) but it worked really well for us. Some families prefer more structure, we didn't. Our ped urged us to allow our son to nurse and eat as much as he wanted when he wanted, his philosophy is that babies and young children know how much they need, same idea that force feeding is bad and a waste of energy and can create negative food associations. As long as the food options are healthy, they'll get the nutrition they need, especially if you are continuing to nurse. (This isn't nec true for all kids, but it was for ours.) My son now 5 is tall and slim and eats everything. There are days when I think OMG he's not getting enough of this or that, and days when I think only Mac and Cheese and oatmeal, this is a disaster, and other days when I think how could he consume that much broccoli and cheese and apples and turkey and still want waffles and ceareal. As for sleeping, our kid slept thru the night pretty early on, he also slept with us til about 2 yrs, which is also when I stopped nursing at night. Day time nursing stopped around 18 mos, later than I intended but he got his first and only ear infection (ever) at 12 mos and we'd kind of started to wean and then it was back on the nursing for a while. So I'm not really answering your question except to say that consider the "rules" guidelines and then do what you think is right for your kid. They are all different and needs change constantly.