Fitness: Preschooler

Results 131-140 from 25,653 articles

4 Year Old Behavior

J.K. asks from Phoenix

My daughter just turned 4 is out of control, from the moment she wakes up she has this attitude and doesn't listen at all. it is so frustrating, i put her in time ou...


Seeking Advice on My 3 Year Old Son

R.R. asks from Providence

Looking for advice for my 3 year old son. I live up north and it gets cold! I dread leaving my house to do anything cause he gives me such a hard time when it comes t...


3 Year Old Sleep Issues

A.H. asks from Savannah

My almost 3 year old daughter still has sleep issues. She wakes me up about twice a night crying asking me to fix her covers or find her blanket. She can't sleep unle...


Hyper 4 Year Old

J.L. asks from Chicago

My 4 year old daughter is so hyper at times and I'm starting to loose my patience with her. I'm always telling her to calm down, stop running, ect... what makes it wo...


How Do I Get My Almost 4 Year Old to Obey Me?

K.O. asks from Austin

Today I am completely exasperated and at the end of my rope. I tell my little girl not to draw on the wall, and she promptly goes and does it. She'll do things she kn...


What to Tell Almost 4 Year Old About Death?

E.D. asks from Boston

HI All, My 97 year old grandmother died and I'd like to tell my daughter about it. She saw her sometimes but not frequently. My husband and I are not particularly rel...


3 Year Old Boy- Is Very Moody

N.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Hello everyone i have a 3 year old boy whom has bad mood swings. For the most part he is the average boy. You know wild, rambuxious, rough, likes to repeat himself ...


3 Year Old Wakes Every Night

D.J. asks from Dallas

I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing as us. Our 3 year old son has been waking up nearly every night for the last month now and wanting either mys...


3 Year Old Not Napping Anymore

S.O. asks from Reno

My 3 year old daughter has always been an awesome sleeper, so I really shouldn't be complaining, but a few months ago she stopped napping altogether. I have a 14 mon...


My 3 Year Old Doesn't Want to Be Disciplined

C.C. asks from Charleston

I have been trying now to be able to discipline my 3 year old daughter. Everytime that I do, she back talks me and she even tries to hit me. I put her in time-out but...