First off: 5lbs in 5 weeks & 8 inches is KILLER. Good job! and that's weight that will STAY off (and hopefully the 8 inches means you've actually lost a LOT more weight, but have replaced some of the fat with muscle). Weight added fast, or taken away fast tends to magically reappear. (I can lose 12lbs in a day, but it'll be right back with a few friends the next week). So awesome job. 1-2 lbs per week is perfect, you really don't wanna go faster than that. IF you somehow kept that up... that would be 52 lbs in a year. MOST people's bodies don't work that way though. The lose a little weight... plateau (I think of it as my body waiting to get "used" to it's new shape & caloric needs... just check to see if this is the norm or if it should hoard)... then lose a little more, plateau, lose, plateau, lose, plateau. So in a year at the same rate it would be 30-40lbs instead of 52.
We've incorporated exercise into our HS'ing. ((Our HS motto is "Mens sana in corpore sano.")) If I had to somehow have kid-free time in order to exercise... it just. wouldn't. happen. The few breaks I get I DO NOT have the urge to expend energy, but rather to soak into a corner of the couch and revel in peace, quiet, and not having to think.
Some of the ways we incorporate E into HS'ing:
We pull out yoga mats and do exercises before school (not yoga, because I don't know it, but stretches, situps, handstands, etc.)...
Any day we're doing school at home (aka fall or spring, see below) we break at 1130 for a "get outta the house" time: walk the dog, go to the park/ beach/ library/ community center for basketball/ local pool for swimming... aka all active stuff (okay, okay, the library isn't active... but walking to it IS)... Then we come back and have a late lunch.
In the winter and summer we do family sports (aka swimming/sailing and snowboarding) during the week. They're things we do together. Kiddo's ADHD... so he's in near constant motion... and I nowhere near keep up with him, although I'm adhd as well (ahhhh... kid's limitless energy)... so he does team sports as well... but as much as possible, we try to be active together.