My daughter is 9 months old and has never been a very good sleeper. We were trying to wait it out to see if things would get better on its own but it was getting wor...
What month is baby vision considered to be completely developed?
Mine is 9 months old. He always responded to me while I talked to him from the kitchen - smiles an...
I am a first time Mom with a beautiful 6 1/2 month old son. The good news: He smiles very easily and smiles BIG, is very engaging and flirtatious. He makes good eye c...
My baby is almost 11 months old and I have taken him to the doctor 3 times in the past 2 months for his ears. The first time the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and h...
I am a first time mom. My daughter is 7.5 months old. She was born with a birth defect which has since been surgically repaired. She had a Congentital Diaphragmatic H...
I'm seriously heartbroken to know that my toddler cannot stay with me at the hospital when I deliver. We have never spent a night apart, he is really attached to me ...
Is it true that it is a bad idea to put baby to sleep with a bottle or breast? I would love for my baby to fall asleep 'independently', but isnt it in her best inter...
So I had my 39 week checkup today, and my Bp was super high so Im being induced tonight at 7. My doctor also notified me today that I am group B strep positive and wi...
Hello Mamas,
My baby girl is one month old and for the past 2 weeks hasn't slept AT ALL at night. She sleeps most of the day, wakes up at around 11pm and won't shu...
While I was giving her her second feeding this morning, she projectile vomited, it wasn't just spit up. But, it was not green, and I have not tried to feed her since,...