Eighth Grade: Toddler

Results 51-60 from 219 articles

Graphic, Violent Book Being Read at School by 6-8 Graders

A.B. asks from St. Louis

Hello mamas, I need a reality check. Our son, a 7th grader, is reading a book at school called The Freedom Writers' Diaries. (Apparently it was made into a less graph...


What Do You Do When Your 14-Year-old Daughter Is Being Bullied by Several Kids

D.S. asks from Rochester

My daughter Madeline is a great kid wouldn't harm a fly but is being bullied and picked on by several kids including people that call themselves her friends and she s...


Five Year Old Daughter Is Painfully Shy

K.R. asks from Bellingham

My daughter is in kindergarten and still has not formed any friendships. She plays at home a lot with her little brother (they are 20 mo. apart in age) but when she g...


When Is the Right Time to Move Schools?

W.W. asks from Washington DC

My friend's husband got a new job. They've found a home. He's already relocated. She wants to stay until the school year is over. He is in 7th grade. Her husb...


Advice on Moving 3Rd Grader to the Gifted Class

M.C. asks from Norfolk

I am looking for advice for my 3rd grader. I have just started researching the gifted program and am looking for any general advice or direction. He is extremely bo...


Seeking Moms' Help with Finding a High School "Private School" for My ADHD Son

A.G. asks from Dallas

I have a son who is ADHD and currently attends the Shelton School in Dallas (7th grade). Shelton specializes in children with ADHD and other learning differences. H...


Math Curriculum.

C.F. asks from Los Angeles

I'm a homeschooling mom and I have to pick Math curriculum for my 1st grade son. These are the choices Right Start Math, Houghton Mifflin Math or Math-U-See. Anyone...


Seasickness Medication?

R.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, My daughter's eighth grade class is going on a 4 day field trip aboard a sailing ship, and the teacher has suggested that they take a product called "Bonine...


13 Year Old and Boys

S.G. asks from Dallas

Hello Mama's My daughter is 13 years old in the eighth grade. This summer she started asking can she see this little boy. At first I asked her where are her gir...


9Year Old Step Daughter Wants Hair Highlighted

S.G. asks from Philadelphia

Hi ladies I have appreciated your thoughts on other ?s so here goes. I'm a step mom to a 9 year old whom my husband has primary custody. She does spend weekends at he...