At 12months my pediatrician said to take our daughter off the bottle completely. I was surprised because she was born 3 months early so her adjusted age is really 9 m...
My grandson is 10 days old. He will not nurse. When he was born he was tongue tied but they clipped it. My daughter had to resort to using formula in the hospital ...
My 5 1/2 month old daughter has been exclusively breastfed since birth. Since she initially had some trouble latching, we didn't introduce a bottle for the first mont...
My son will be 4 months old at the end of this month. I (with the help of my husband, friends, and mothers) have been trying to get him to accept a bottle, but to no...
My 4 month old daughter is breastfed & bottle-fed. I had to go back to work when she was 8 weeks old, and so during the day, she gets a bottle. But first thing and th...
My three-month old baby is starting to sleep longer stretched through the night, and I was thinking that this will be a great relief. But it turned out that now I can...
Do any of you have any tips or tricks to getting a nursing baby to take a bottle?
I have a beautiful 3-month-old daughter. She's my 3rd child and she nurses great...
I am exclusively breast feeding & I must admit, I quite enjoy that time with my little girl but I keep hearing that I should give her breast milk in a bottle otherwis...