My 7 year old grandson stays with us as my Step Daughter gave me limited guardianship, supposedly so he could go to our school district. We've asked her to do this f...
I have 2 general ways of teaching my 21 month DD to listen to me. If she is doing something that is a safety hazard (running away at the store, going into the street,...
I need help with two bedwetters (12) (16). We have been to doctors and clinics and still no help, the alarm was in only thng they could suggest. We eliminate drinking...
I have a question and thought you ladies may be able to help! We just started our daughter on full milk (we have been gradually introducing it with formula) about a w...
Mindy McCready was found dead yesterday. For those of you who don't know - she was a country singer. Her boyfriend of years commited suicide (apparently) a month ago....
I am in a pretty severe arguement with my husband and I don't know how to fix it. We have been married 4 years and I am a stay home mom. I try to tackle everything. I... son is 17 months old, and I think he is beginning to exhibit signs of car sickness. I'm just curious if any other moms have kids who get car sick and how they...
I was reading a post where one person replied how personal boundaries become nonexistent while pregnant. That certainly is the truth! Lol. I had my share of the annoy...
What do you tell your tween daughters (ages 7-14), about skin and hair care/personal hygiene? I am the mother of a tween girl and the founder of Ottilie & Lulu, a sk...
If you had a 15 year old cat who you had adopted when he was 1, and he was recently diagnosed with diabetes, what would you do? The long term prognoses is not good, b...