Coping with Death: Child

Results 41-50 from 8,785 articles

Taking Young Children to Funeral?

J.C. asks from Chicago

I was trying to search other posts..but did not have any luck. My husbands grandmother just passed away and am not sure what is appropriate for kids at a funeral. A...


My 6 Year Old Complains Alot

K.S. asks from Tampa 6 year old daughter seems to complain alot lately. My husband who is off today, told her and my 4 year old daughter he was going to take them to a parade (MLK...


6 Year Old Drowning in Bathtub...

A.G. asks from Provo

There was an article recently on the local news about a 6 year old boy drowning in a bathtub. The latest update mentioned that there may have been an health problem ...


Father's Death

C.U. asks from Miami

I just found out my 8 year old son's father has past away about a wk and 1/2 ago. He did not have a relationship with my son so my son does not know him really. I did...


2 Year Old at a Funeral

K.S. asks from New York

Hi everyone, So we got sad news this morning, my husband's grandmother passed suddenly last night. He's there with his mom making arrangements now (I don't have det...


Funeral - Attend or Not Attend

M.N. asks from Pocatello

Hi mom's, my grandpa passed away this morning. He is in Ohio, I am in Idaho. I am trying to make the choice of going to the funeral or not. I am blessed to have gon...


Talk to 5 Year Old About Menstrual Cycle..???

T.F. asks from San Diego

Hi! Ok, I can't believe I have to ask this...I am very discrete about what needs to be done in the bathroom when I am on my cycle, but I have a VERY observant little ...


Seeking a Quote or Poem for a Funeral

D.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hello moms. I need your help, I'm looking for an inspirational poem or quote to put in a simple funeral program. I lost my aunt who lost her battle with cancer, and ...


Toddler Dress for Grandparent Funeral

G.S. asks from Chicago

Moms, I need your help. We've only got a few days left and my daughter has nothing to wear to the funeral. Everything is either too casual or too bright. I am looking...


6 Year Old Mean to Grandpa

I.:. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 year old can be crabby, but she always seems to cop an attitude with my dad. He is a wonderful grandpa and very involved. He actually plays with them, reads to t...