Cold Treatments: Toddler, Steroids

Results 31-40 from 73 articles


B.F. asks from Toledo

I'm new to asthma. My DD is 3 and on pulmicort twice daily and altuberol as needed. She had a slight fever of 100 and dry cough on Friday and Saturday AM. What confus...


Allergies & Asthma

S.M. asks from Jacksonville

my child is 15months and 1 day old and she has asthma and has been having a nast cough like she is about to have asthma attract and it scare to say that i'm going to...


Asthma or Acid Reflux?

A.S. asks from Dallas

Okay, I asked all of you a question the other day about my almost 3 year old son and his severe cough but here is another... To give a little from the other questi...


Constant Colds After Viral Infection (RSV) = Signs of Asthma??

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

My son got RSV at 21 months old. It's been almost 3 months and ever since he has been having a constant runny nose. He might be getting back to back colds , he gets a...


How to Treat Bronchitis with Viral-Induced Asthmatic or Asthmatic

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Hey there, fellow parents! My 3.5 year-old son has viral-induced asthma - only exhibits asthma symptoms when he gets a cold/upper-respiratory infection/virus. H...


3 Children with CROUP - HELP!

A.D. asks from Phoenix

My one year old daughter has had an awful, runny nose, cough, and congestion. Her pediatrician said it was croup. My sister is in town visiting and it seems like he...


Looking for a Pediatric Pulmonary Specialties

M.M. asks from Dallas

Hi! My 6 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Asthma two months ago, and I am still unable to control it. (and at this point wondering if she really has asthma) ...



D.M. asks from Killeen

Does anybody know of anything to help w/ the symptoms of bronchitis, besides nasal sprays & antibiotics? My daughter has taken a round of zithromax & prednisone & is...


Question About Croup

M. asks from Chicago

Hi! My 7 year old is home today with fever and barking cough. I'm assuming it is croup and from what I'm reading on the internet I dont' need to take him to the d...



J.W. asks from Pueblo

Somehow I have escaped croup with my daughter, but I think my son has it. He has the "barking cough." Of course it's the weekend, and the on-call doc is taking her ti...