Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Enfamil

Results 71-80 from 90 articles

Anyone Have a Child Go Through a Swallow Study with Barrium?

L.S. asks from Dallas

Son is 6 months and does nothing but projectile vomit all day! It hasn't hurt his weight at all, thank God, 20 pounds already! He was making what I thought were cut...


Premature Infants with Reflux

N.C. asks from Kansas City

Has anyone had a premature infant that has/had reflux? We did a video swallow and it showed she needed thickend milk so we have done that for the bottle feedings and...


A Few Breastfeeding Questions

A.S. asks from Montgomery

Hi Mommies, I am expecting my first baby in June and I plan on breastfeeding, but had a couple of questions first. I come from a family of formula feeders and so ...


Buying Diapers in Bulk

S.P. asks from New York

Hello Moms, The time has come! I am adopting a beautiful little girl, 5-1/2 months old, and she will be here by the end of November! So needless to say I am in a scr...


Infant Sleep Patterns

C. asks from Charlotte

I don't know which question to ask first. My son has no schedule or natural pattern of sleep what-so-ever. He is 6 weeks old and does not seem to be sleeping well a...


Help! I Am Latex Allergic and Will Be Having a Baby in June.

J.D. asks from Dallas

I need to find out what baby nipples and diapers are latex-free. I keep looking so that I can register for them. I have no idea if my baby will be latex sensitive, bu...


Acid Reflux

D.B. asks from San Francisco

Any suggetsons on helping my child cope with severe acid reflux????He is on Zantac four times a day and still has issues> Thank you again



J.L. asks from Salt Lake City

My 1 month old is colicky I think...She cries uncontrollably for at least a hour a day and I've read about the gripe water, but does it really work? Also what have o...


Gassy Fussy Baby

E.W. asks from Dallas

My 1 month old screamed all night....he had pent up gas he couldn't get out....any suggestions?


Air Travel Tips W/ Infant

D.E. asks from Los Angeles

I need airplane travel advice…my husband will be on the plane 5 hours (not including checking in) with my 3 1/2 month baby whom I am nursing. We will be sitting in...