Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Enfamil

Results 61-70 from 90 articles

Colic Help

J.B. asks from Birmingham

My 9 week old has had colic off and on for the past 6 weeks. It hasn't been too bad until recently. We have changed his formula from Similac Advance to Similac Sensit...


How Long to Dry up Breast Milk and How to Do It.

A.P. asks from Fort Wayne

My son was born on the 23rd of Dec and I have been breastfeeding. I wanted to at least give him the immunities that only breast milk can offer. Now I'm ready to be do...


Milk Protein Allergy?

K.V. asks from Philadelphia

Yesterday I fed my 3 1/2 month old a bottle of formula for the first time. After 2 oz., the area around his mouth became blotchy and his cry sounded hoarse. I immed...


Get Ready...3 Questions at Once

S.B. asks from Gainesville

1. Would you take a newborn to see fireworks? My daughter is going on 3 weeks old, and the church is having a get together this weekend to watch fireworks and I am af...


Reflux, Sleeping W/3 Week Old

B.S. asks from Scranton

My little guy has been fussy, spits up, crying a lot and very gassy since he was born. At our 10 day check up with the Pedi he suggested that perhaps my little guy h...


46 And Baby Number 3 on It's Way with Family Conflict.

K.V. asks from Columbus

I'm 46 years old and baby number three is on it's way. There is a nine year difference between my and my older siblings. My brother's daughter is expecting her first...


Help Help 8 to 12 Nonstop Crying

J.H. asks from Allentown

hi around 8pm everynight my newborn son crys and screams every night until 12 midnight non stop. i feed him, burp him ,change him, and give some gas releif medication...


Need Solidarity on the Road Through Colic Hell!

N.D. asks from San Francisco

Hey mamas, Even just some survival stories would help at this point, but if anyone has _any_ advice on soothing a colicky baby, I would be eternally grateful. My ...


Introducing a Bottle

A.F. asks from Milwaukee

I soon have to go back to work so I have started giving my 6 week old daughter one bottle a day in the evening so dad can do it. She sucks it down so fast then screa...


Dealing with Eczema

R.R. asks from Dallas

I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a tough time with the itchy, dry skin that eczema causes. There are times when it seems that...