My grandson has had a pretty typical head/chest cold. But my daughter took him to urgent care because he coughs very bad at night. They put him on 5 days of the zit...
My 4 year old has a cold and is coughing every couple of seconds! He has thrown up 2x. He can't sleep and is miserable. I have tried honey, steam bath, humidifier.......
Hi Moms, I'm entering week five of walking pneumonia and am still dragging. I was diagnosed after two weeks of coughing, took steroids, an antibiotic z-pack, and heav...
I brought my 2 yo to the doctor and at that time my son had a fever, was lethargic and had irritated eyes and puffy skin underneath. Dr. thought he had a virus and a...
Hey Mommas!
My almost 3 year old son has developed a cold with cough. It started off as a croopy, dry, barking cough. Well I did the humidifier, baby menthol, and ...
I am 6 weeks pregnant and just came down with a cold. It's making me anxious as my previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I was sick with colds the entire tim...
My son is 3 months old and got admitted to the hospital for his constant coughing. To find out, he was diagnosed w/ pneumonia. We were in the hospital for 5 days. D...
I currently have a cold and a one month old. I also breasfeed so i know that i can't take any medication. I am kinda nervous because i dont want him to get it. the d...
Does anyone have their kids in daycare and have them seek chiropractic care? I am a firm believer in chiropractic care and the aid it provides in overall health. Sinc...
Ok, so I probably sound paranoid, I just want to make sure I'm just being too anxious...
My daughter has had 2 severe asthma attacks (one in April and one just in No...