My grandson who is almost 9 loves First Aid stuff. He has a very nice first aid kit and got more excited over that than any gift he has ever I need some i...
My 4 month old son has acid reflux and spits up a lot. The doctor put him on Zantac and it has helped some, but he hates to take it. The chiropractor that I go to i...
So I went to Buy Buy Baby and spoke to someone about car seats. He told me that the best seat to buy for safetly was Britax. He said the others were good but Britax...
I was at the cloth diaper store today and met a girl who goes around and educates people about how important it is to keep your child rearfacing in the car past the ...
I am not sure what to do, so I am again turning to all you for help. I have a 5 year old. His biological father walked out on me the minute he found out that I was pr...
Hello to all! I am sorry to ask so many questions, but there is something that really gets to me, and I can't keep it bottled up anymore. I feel like people are judgi...
I have been married for 7 years and we have 2 girls. One is 6 1/2 years old and the other is 3 years old. We currently live in another country since my husband is i...
So, what is the secret to getting siblings to get along? All my girls do is fight, whine, and cry all day, and I'm so sick of it!!!! Any ideas? Is this only a girl th...
I am currently in a depressive episode with hightened anxiety. I take medication for both, see a psychologist, and will soon be seeing a new pyschiatrist to manage my...
I am getting ready to buy a new car seat for my baby and I am going to get a britax. The only problem that I am having is that I cannot decide between the marathon an...