Does anyone know if its true about losing weight after you stop breastfeeding? I have a 6 month old daughter and I have always breastfed her and will continue to brea...
I am really upset about the fact that I spent over three weeks trying to breastfeed my son Jackson while the poor boy starved because I just made no milk! With Willia...
My daughter doesn't fall asleep on her own. I nurse her & since birth she has used me as a pacifier. Now that she is a bit older, I am wondering if I should let her c...
So, i am at my wits end here. Hope someone can help me out. I have a 10 week old boy who spits up a lot after every feed. I have tried different nipples, my breast...
I was told by my pedi to have my daughter use a pacifier after she had a breathing incident at around two weeks old. Well now she won't latch correctly & things are g...
She is 3 months old as of yesterday, and I still can't put her down without her crying. I can breastfeed her, burp her, change her diaper, swaddle her, and still she ...
REVISION: Again, thanks for everyone for your insightful responses to my inquiry below. What I've learned in the past few days through all of your responses is that ...
I am scheduled for Sept 10th for my c-section and have decided I want to breastfeed..well try to atleast :) I have 3other cihildren though and my youngest will only b...
My 3.5 month old girl began life with colic which lasted about 3 months. The last three weeks have been bliss not having to deal with the intense screaming. She is ...
8 mo. old baby girl allergic to soy and dairy (causes mild to moderate rashes). Recently stopped breastfeeding per doctor's direction, switched to hypoallergenic/ami...