A. congrats on your new baby! I just had a little boy in march! Nursing issue are a real pill! But here is some info for you!...
is your babys latch okay? if he has a good latch and you are not dealing with those kind of issue your nipples will start feeling and being okay again in the next 2weeks.
With my first we had some major issues. I thought she was not getting enough either because she appeared hungry all the time. I think that because my nipples hurt so bad I didn't allow her to nurse long enough. I thus created a very lazy nurser. Alas all that can be corrected! If you think that may be happening let me know and I will further explain.
Pumping is actually NOT a good way to monitor milk production. A lot of breasts do not like pumps and will not perform for them. If you really want to pump try hand expressing. It is very easy and much better for sore nipples! The best way though is just by how many diapers your baby is going through a day.
How often do you nurse? You should be around the 2 hour mark for day time and most likely 3 at night. Although some babys will clusterfeed as certain times of the day. Does your baby have his days and nights mixed up?
On your nipples... Lanolin is good! You may also want to consider these also. A nipple sheild. I have never used one as I didn't know about them with the kids I had that they would have helped BUT I know lots of women who used them in the beginning and couldn't live without them. There are many different brands and I really do not know which is best but here is a link for you!
Also if you are using breast pads- the disposable ones can really irratate nipples. They have chemicals and stuff in them that are just not good. Cotton is better but sore nipples will still stick to cotton. The best is wool! It is lanolin rich, absorbs more, is antibacterial and cleans itself. I know it sounds like hogwash but its true and it works! My new baby is the first one I have used wool with and it is my first baby that I did not have nipple problems with! So there ya go and here is a link!
Keep plugging away A.! It will get better! If you really think your milk is low then there are lots of different herbs you can take. Dandelion root, alphalpha, and marshmallow is my fav combination. Fenugreek is also very popular. And drink lots and lots of water!
I really encourage you though to look more at the diaper usage before you try to increase supply- chance are you are good on supply but have really sore breast- lets fix that issue!
If you want to chatt more just e-mail me!..M.