Bottles Accessories: A&D

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45 answers

What Is the Best Baby Shower Present You Have Ever Received??

I'm looking for something personal and adorable to give to a good friend for her first. Just wondering what is the best gift you have received for your baby shower. Thanks! Edit: Some of you ladies are driving me nuts! Why are you assuming I'm not getting anything from the registy? So to clarify the big gift is from the registry in addition to this. One reply was esp crabby in this regard. You know who you are. Go get some sugar or something to cheer you up. Jeez.


What Bottle Is Best?

My sister-in-law just had her first baby. When she goes back to work I'm...


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38 answers

Nursing for 10 Days- EXTREMELY Sore Nipples... HELP!

Hi Ladies! I have a 10 day old baby and am having a hard time nursing. I am EXTREMELY sore... I thought things were getting better, but today was hell..... I have tried Medela Lanolin, Nipple Nurture, and just started using Lanisoh cream. I have extremely large nipples... (much larger than a silver dollar) I don't know if that has anything to do with it... maybe I'm letting my baby get too hungry? He's really 'going to town' by the time he gets to nurse. He doesn't really like pacifiers very much and doesn't take a bottle, so I don't...