I nursed both of my sons, still nursing my 6 month old and both times had extermely sore nipples for the first couple of weeks. I felt the same way, and do not have large nipples, it is just part of nursing. It will get better, I promise! I was in tears with my first son and calling the lactation specialist at the hospital constantly! First, I doubt that you are letting him get too hungry, you should be nursing on demand right now since he is so young (which can sometimes seem like all you are doing is nursing him...since it pretty much is). All babies nurse differently, my oldest was a "ferocious" eater no matter how often he nursed, he always acted like he was starving! My youngest is totally different and all of my girlfriends who nursed have expereienced the same thing. A few things you can try...a life saver for me with my first son was these silicone nipple shields that you can get at Babies R Us and I believe Target, they were miracles. They are very thin silicone pieces that are shaped to lay right over your nipple and they have little tiny holes in them so that the baby can nurse right on them and basically not have any difference. I used them for three days and that was all I needed to help, what a difference. If you try them use them every time for the first several feedings or until you get some pain relief and then start using them every other or every 3 or 4 feedings, so that you can slowly start getting your nipples used to nursing. I loved the Lanisoh cream, it worked the best for me and I beleive it is the purest lanolin of any of the brands. A few other safe rubs are almond oil and coconut oil, rub one of these or the lanolin on before and after you nurse...every time...don't forget! Also, make sure you are not using anything other than a washcloth with water to wash your breasts...no soap. An "old natural" remedy that actually does work is Comfrey ointment. It softens and strengthens nipples, it is exceptionally soothing to sensitive nipples and rapidly heals them. Yarrow leaf poultices - or yarrow infused oil - also provides almost instantaneous pain relief and heals cracked nipples rapidly. I used the comfrey ointment and it helped a lot, especially in combination with the nipple shields. You can get both products at a health food store, they have been used by nursing mothers for years and are considered safe, I just used them sparingly...a few times a day. Another easy thing to try is an ice pack after every time you nurse, just hold them on your nipples (wrapped in a towel or over your shirt, not directly on your nipples) for 10-15 minutes each time. The ice really does help. You can also try a warm saline soak, just mix a cup or so of warm water and a tablespoon or so of salt in bowl and soak your nipple in it for about 10 minutes, let it air dry and then apply your lanolin or whatever oil/ointment you are going to try. Last and of course not least, be sure that he is latching on correctly, make sure his lips are "flanged" out on the top and bottom, you shouldn't hear any loud sucking noises and he shouldb't be coming off and on constantly. It may be that with having large nipples, his mouth is rubbing against the whole nipple surface so much that it is making it more raw/sore. Make sure that you are holding him in a comfortable position, if he is not comfortable he will not latch on right, make sure his whole body is supported. Nursing pillows can help a lot with the positioning. Hang in there, it will get better, any nursing mom can tell you that the first few weeks are really hard and that is why so many women quit! You will get better and you will feel very proud of yourself for sticking it out and getting through this, it is not easy but, it is worth it for your child! Also, check the hospital you gave birth at, they should have a lactation department with lactation specialist and they are always available to the moms after leaving the hospital. Otherwise, check to see if there is a Le Leche representative in your area, I never used them but know people who did and had a good experience with them. Good luck and hope it gets better soon!