Bottle & Breastfeeding: Myself, Enfamil

Results 21-30 from 44 articles

Problems Breast Feeding --Help!!!

P.F. asks from Chicago

Alrighty moms. My wife is shy on posting, but she has been grappling with the idea of not breast feeding. (we have a 3 week old.) Our families (moreso mine) are reall...


Gas/Acid Reflux/Stomach Problems

J.F. asks from Birmingham

Ok - my 7 week old is having major gas problems and the mylicon drops dont seem to work very well....anything im missing??? my son had acid reflux but i think she is...


11 Month Old Doesn't Sleep Through the Night

L.R. asks from Houston

My son will be 11 months old in 5 days. He has never slept through the night. I've tried the cry-it-out method but its very hard because alot of his waking up during ...


7 Week Old Miserable, Not Tolerating Formula... Any Thoughts?

R.M. asks from Boston

My baby is almost 8 weeks old, she was born 5 weeks early. She is formula fed (I was unable to breastfeed). Started on similac, then went to similac sensitive becau...


Breastfed Baby to Formula

A.W. asks from Cleveland

I am currently nursing my 7 month old son and wish to continue until he is about one. However, he has been waking up the past two weeks at least three to four times a...


Weaning a 14 Month Old

J.M. asks from Nashville

My oldest son, now 5, weaned himself at 14 months. His baby brother, however, does not seemed inclined to stop nursing on his own. He only really nurses 3 times a day...


To Nurse or Not to Nurse?

H.A. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 4 months old and is still nursing every 2-3 hours. Now that summer and solid foods are approaching I am torn between continuing nursing or to switch to...


Constant Screaming and Crying Before Bedtime...

T.B. asks from Mobile

My 2 month old baby girl constantly cries and whales out ear-piercing screams every night until she finally goes to sleep. I know babies cry, but it's the type of cr...


Weaning Daughter That Has Milk Allergy

W.B. asks from Iowa City

My daughter is 11 mo old and I am starting the process of weaning her. I have had to give up all dairy including any dairy in processed food since her digestive syst...


How to Reduce the # of Nursings a Day

M.F. asks from New York

Thank you all in advance for your advice. I have a 17 month old daughter who is still nursing. Nether of us is ready to wean, my daughter loves to nurse and I enjoy t...