My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My baby is seven months old and he is a love. He is one of the happiest babies that I've ever seen. The only problem is that he never sleeps. He only naps for abou...
My daughter is 9 months old and she has always been a great eater. She was eating baby food like a pro and has even started on some of the food that I eat. But over t...
It would be fun to see how many "real" food puree eaters are picky after the baby food stage vs. commercial jar baby food eaters. Either way is healthy, but for taste...
My 5 month old has one tooth. She thinks it's funny to bite me when she's done nursing. She smiles after she does it and she laughs when she hears me screetch in pa...
My almost 11 month old son has started to get fussy about eating. He loves his oatmeal (mixed with breast milk and fruit), baby yogurt, fruit and cheerios... and for ...
My nearly 16-week-old daughter is in daycare where she gets bottles of breastmilk. I've been using the Medela bottle system because it's easiest for me; that's what I...
My 5 month old has recently started sticking his tongue out on purpose and sucking/chewing on his bottom lip. I'm wondering if these are signs that he may be ready t...
I am having a hard time figuring out what I should be feeding my almost 7 month old. He's had all the 1st foods, and I started buying the 2nd foods - but I don't kno...
My 6 month old son has trouble going to sleep/staying asleep at night. Naps during the day are pretty easy to get him down for. Not sure if I should be doing anything...