Hi A.
I know we moms worry all the time and forget that those kids are made to survive. I have a 13 month old know, that is basically getting anything now. We had some stomach problems with formula when he was less than six months, but we found an alternative brand that was ok. By then we were not living in the states, so I don't know the brands here well. I have also tried their soya formula here, but it smells horrible. I found most the advice I need on books. If you don't have one, there are tons of books on babys first year and so on, which will have loads of updated advice on how to progress with normal food based on the development of babies tommies and intestines. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to use a bit of common sense. You can try giving the baby a few teaspoonfulls of youghurt and if that does not give any stomach problems it is probably fine. Just introduce things in very small amounts at first and don't introduce too many new things at the same time, so you can't find out what may upset the stomach and avoid that. I think a seven month old can try a bit of everything, but avoid a lot of meat and other things that are hard for the stomach. The babyfoods you can by are good because they have been made for babies, so there are much tougher demands on their quality than on other premade food. Another issue is teeeth and how interested and capable the baby is of managing solid food, but try giving him/her a breadcrum. And finally, what may seem boring to you is probably fine with the baby, who doesn't know he could get something else. We gave a couple of bottles of formula until he was one year, just to ensure he got what he needed, but now he only gets 2 % milk in the bottles. He is still not good with pieces of vegetables, unless it is in a nice sauce, but he loves fresh fruit, so he gets a small handfull of raspberries, kiwi, babana or any other furit everyday. Variation is great, not only for vitamins, but also for getting a kid, that is not having a lot of dislikes. We have just reduced the spices in our own food and now he gets leftovers of what we eat most of the time.