Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to clean bathtub toys. My son loves playing with toys in the tub but it seems they always have mildew inside. We have av...
My 3 year old daughter seems deathly afraid of trying to spit while brushing her teeth. We started her on a non-fluoride toothpaste but then wanted to switch her to ...
Lately my 3 year old has been sayig that her vaginal area hurts. I have looked to see what could be causing it and its red and when I touch it she cries. I thought ma...
My daughter seems to CONSTANTLY complain that she itches down there. I figured it was just a yeast infection so I use vagisil, but she shows no signs of
How do you get your kids to clean up after themselves? Just the general day to day clothes in the hamper, put your toys away type of picking up? With 3 of them I ca...
My entire 1st floor is hard wood and I think my current method of cleaning them may be damaging them. Prior to babies, I used the swifter wet jet for hard wood, but ...
I'm having a problem keeping and focusing on a clean house. I know my children need attention, but it's hard to not even getting the basic tasks done. Does anyone h...
My 3 year old daughter always smells like stinky pee. I'll bathe her and in less than 24 hours she stinks again. It's driving my crazy. She's potty-trained, and she...
I hate to scrub the showers and tubs. But soon I'll have a brand new house and appliances and want to keep it clean from the start. Wondering what you mamas use - wha...
My daughter is 13 and still has problems with wetting at night so we buy her pull-ups and try to keep the problem low key but is gets really frustrating at times. I w...