Baby Jar Foods: Infant, Meijer

Results 21-30 from 57 articles

Help with Grocery Budget

J.C. asks from Detroit

I would like to try and trim down the amount we spend on groceries per month. Right now we spend about $500 per month on groceries. This doesn't include non-food it...


Kid Friendly Allergy Free Recipes

K.G. asks from Chicago

Help! Between my children and myself we're allergic to milk, peanut, pork, MSG and wheat has been questionable. Does anyone have suggestions for easy dinner recipes t...


I Just Want to Cry!!

S.D. asks from Kalamazoo

I am at a complete loss. My son is one and he won't eat. He is underweight and I have doctors yelling at me left and right (not literally yelling but making me feel l...


Any Advice You Have on Smoothly Weening My Boy off of His Bottle...

J.M. asks from Detroit

I would like any advice I can get on easily weening my son, who is 18 months old, off of his bottle. I do not let him have it other than before his nap and before bed...



L.D. asks from Columbus

I believe my 5 month old is teething as I have noticed him drooling, putting everything in his mouth, chewing, slight fever and crankiness...recently he has shown a l...


Best Lotion for Dry Skin

A.L. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone know of a really good lotion for dry skin for kids? Both my daughter and son are experiencing the effects of "winter skin"; I've tried bathing them in oa...


Name Brand Vs. Store Brand Formula

S.K. asks from Lansing

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone uses the Target brand baby formula. Right now we're using Enfamil Lipil Premium. The last time I was at Target I compared th...


Diaper Rash Advice

C.M. asks from Chicago

My one year old son has had diaper rash for about two weeks and I can't get it to clear up(This is really the first time he has had diaper rash this bad). I usually u...


Feeding Solids

A.M. asks from Saginaw

When did you all start your enfants on rice cereal and 1st baby foods. Also, when did you start giving them juice. I know each mom is different when they start. Th...


Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...