I take care of my 17 month old grandson. My problem is that he won't drink regular milk. He is still on formula. I have tried regular milk, soy milk and lactose fr...
I just found out that I am pregnant with twins and I have a 3 year old what do I do
OKAY so I told the dad that we are having TWIN and he took it better then I tho...
What practical tips to you give new parents? For example: Use a lingerie bag to keep together baby socks in the washing machine or using multiple sheets and waterpr...
My name is D. and I am new to this group but I like the idea of talking to other Moms and sharing knowledge/advice with them. I think I've learned more fro...
My husband and I are adopting a baby. The baby will be born at the end of August. I heard that adoptive mommy's can breastfeed if they prepare themselves before hand...
My 3 month old has had a little bit of a stuffy nose since she was born. It comes and goes and sometimes it's worse than others. She started getting worse on Christ...
Hello everyone. I have a situation that I am not sure if I am over-reacting. I have a step mother that I am not very close to, but we do see each other at family ga...
I need help here in choosing a good bottle. I have tried almost every bottle you can think of and I am still not sure which one to use. I used the drop in system with...
So I am looking for home remedies and helpful tips that you as a mom picked up alnong the way. Things that the doctors may have not suggested. Things you have learned...
My mom was telling me about a few "grandma tricks" you can use to help a newborn sleep through the night better. One of those tricks was feeding your infant rice cer...