How Can I Induce Labor?
I am attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with my pregnancy this time. I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant so I c...
I am attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with my pregnancy this time. I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant so I c...
Im 37 weeks and went to dr today and he checked me, im dialated 2 cm and my plug came out last nite. Also last nite m...
I am very excited about attempting a VBAC and have been identified as a good candidate. Prior to my son presenting b...
Hi everyone! I am expecting baby#2 in July (A GIRL!!) and my doc has left the decision to me about the upcoming deliv...
I am considering a VBAC with my second child. I had a c-section with my first child after laboring for 3 hours. She...
Hello, I am 35 weeks pregnant and my baby girl is measuring at 6 lbs,11oz (which is where she should be at 37 weeks)....
I am wanting to hear from other moms who have had 4 c-sections. I don't seem to hear about anyone having 4 so I am fe...
Hi Ladies, I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant and I lost my mucus plug a few days ago. I'm wondering how long it took oth...
My midwife stripped my membranes to induce natural labor at my exam yesterday. I am due Sunday but am SO ready to hav...
I am 2 days past my due date and could possibly be pregnant for another 2 weeks. I am looking for ways of encouragin...