Hi S.-
It's so funny what pregnant women will do to go in to labor! I was almost 2 weeks overdue with my son. I had a midwife and she was forced to tell me that once the 2 weeks hits, they have to induce. I tried everything! Sex, walking 2 miles a day, castor oil, etc. My midwife even stripped my membranes. Nothing worked. Two days before the deadline, I went and had acupuncture done- specific acupuncture to start labor. Less than 24 hours later, I called the acupuncturist to tell him that I had a beautiful baby boy laying on my chest. Acupuncture doesn't hurt at all, and all it does is get the energy flowing where it needs to. The needles went in odd places- in a toe here, a forearm there, etc. But it doesn't hurt, and it worked. I think the normal fee is somewhere around $50 for a session. It was great for me.
A word of caution though: the other ladies are right- DO NOT let the Dr. pressure you in to a C-Section. That should only be used if you're very overdue or if there are problems. If the Dr. does it for any other reason, he's doing it for himself, and not for you or your baby. There are some things going on in the womb right now that are preparing your baby for the outside world. Don't rush nature, and don't let your doctors either! Even though I was "overdue" and the acupuncture worked, my son landed in the hospital when he was just shy of 2 weeks old because he had an iningual hernia- where the bowels fall in to the testicles. They do this when the "seal" over the testicles has not completely closed. Guess what? That's one of the last things that happen in the womb before nature decides it's time to get the baby out. It can happen to girls too, just not as common. Surgery corrected it, but I'll tell you what- it was a nightmare. I was not allowed to nurse him for 12 hours to prepare him for surgery. He was in severe pain (they had to manually push his bowels out of his testicles twice during that time to keep his bowels from strangulating), and I had to try to comfort him but not nurse him. It was one of the most emotionally draining things I have ever been through. The thought of your 2 week old going under anesthesia and under the knife is not a welcome one when they're so small and fragile. I still think that nature knew my little guy wasn't quite ready to come out in the first place. Still, sometimes you're not left with any other choice. If you can't seem to win with your doctor, and even with your special situation with trying to have a VBAC, I would consider hiring a doula- a labor assistant. These are wonderful women who take care of you before, during, and a little bit after the birth. They are very supportive of natural births, and the best thing is that they consider themselves the mother's advocate. They stay in the labor room with you and help you birth, but they also act as a filter for pushy relatives, doctors, and nurses. If they know your desires beforehand, they will act as the liason between you and the medical team. My mom is a doula, and she has stepped out of the room with many a doctor who was just trying to rush things and tell him, give her 2 more hours- the baby's doing fine, the mom's doing fine, she just needs some more time. Voila! Nature takes it's course and no intervention is needed- just time and the mother not feeling pressured and under the gun. This is something you or your husband are probably not going to be "with it" enough to do during labor, because of the natural course of things. You're in a very vulnerable position now and will be while you're in labor too. You need an advocate, so I'd highly recommend hiring one. They normally only charge around $300, and they'll come visit you afterwards to deal with issues like breastfeeding, postpardum depression, etc. I can't say enough good things about this. My best friend tried to have a VBAC and when her water didn't break a couple hours in to labor, they did a C. No other reason! But she said it all just went so fast and she didn't have the awareness during that intense time to say NO! She wished she had had someone who knew the medical side of it, could think logically, and tell the doctor he was wrong. Instead, she had a C-Section that was totally unnecessary., And now that she's had 2 C's, they've told her she can't have a VBAC with the next one. So don't get too caught up in what your doctor's telling you during this vulnerable time. Stand up for your rights and consider hiring a doula to help you with that. Good luck!