You best bet is to first move her up to stage 2 or 3 baby food. I believe the age range for stage 2 is anywhere from 6-9 months, and stage 3 is 10+months (if that helps) The texture is more clumpy and this will get her used to chewing. Also, you can feed her anything soft and mushy...potatoes are good, as are banannas, green beans, cooked carrots, mac n cheese, etc. If she doesn't have any teeth, or very few, don't worry, her gums are stronger than you think :) Just don't feed her big peices until she is ready. With my daughter, I kept a schedule like this one. The biggest thing is variety because that will encourage a non picky eater. I am so glad I introduced my daughter to lots of things (even stuff I wouldn't eat lol) because she will now eat anything. Hope this helps.
6-8 ounces formula
Jar of fruit, some cereal
or, any kind of mushy fruit (banannas, peaches, etc)even some dry toast is fine, or some cheerios
Gerber makes great bite sized snacks, like fruit puffs, or wagon wheels (which my daughter still loves and she is 14 months old)or some cheerios
some juice (2 ounces or so diluted)
jar of stage 2 or 3 veggies
can also feed your own veggies like green beans, carrots, peas, mashed potatoes etc
another 6-8 ounces of formula
some cheese or more fruit, or some crackers
jar of stage 2 meats and veggies
or, you can cut up small peices of chicken, pasta(mine loves spagetti)any kind of mushy veggies. Basically you can feed anything you eat to your daughter, as long as the peices are small and nothing she can choke easily on (hot dogs)
2 ounces juice diluted
6-8 ounces formula mixed with some cereal before bed
So, basically at 8 months, I believe she should still be getting in about 24 ounces of formula a day. Some drink less, but try to stay at 24 and below because most of her nutrients will start to come from actual food. If you feed too much formula, it will full her up initially, but then she'll be hungry again in an hour or two, or won't stay asleep during the night and will wake up hungry.