Gosh in our neighborhood when someone new moves in we all try to go by and say hi! Whoever gets there first, tries to warn, I mean welcome them to the "Hood", hee, hee..
We also let them know when we get together for events and invite them over.. We actually have not done this in a while since lots of our kids have grown up, but it was very easy when we had young kids.. We got into a fun habit of each friday gathering in one driveway that was nice and long and we would bring snacks and beer or wine and let the kids play and play..
We also did lots of cookouts and pot lucks..
You could even start this on your own by being out in front of your home while the kids play and be sure to wave to other people as they arrive from work, or on Sat mornings sit outside while the kids play, you can read the paper while having coffee, again say good morning to the people going out for their paper.. Wave to the people out for their morning walk, run and bike running.. See if their is a neighborhood association.. Become involved..
We ended up being very good friends with lots of fa,ilies and olso some of the older couples.. We offer to feed their pets or watch their homes when they go on vacations.. And we ask them for help too.
Be yourselves and be friendly.. People are also looking for new friends and good neighbors..