The trails that go away are contrails from airplanes. The ones that don't are chemtrails. You'll see them in the sky for many, many hours after they've 'sprayed' us. One explanation (among a few) is that the govt. is spraying the skies to combat global warming. You can google it; certainly some very interesting theories out there, that's for sure.
Added: LOL, some of you trust the govt. too much! You actually think that the lines that haven't dissipated HOURS later are contrails from commercial jets? Let me tell ya, here in So Cal it can be a cloudless warm day in the morning. Then a few hours later there are lines all across the sky, back and forth. They don't dissipate, they start spreading out and they blanket the sky. Hours later, they've formed a sort of cloud cover. Farmers across the U.S. have started noticing more and more, as well, and have found higher levels of aluminum in their crop soil. But if you think that our govt. -- or any other for that matter -- isn't above something underhanded that they don't want the general public to understand -- I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell you! LMAO!