Hi J.,
Let me first say that your daughter is very normal and she hasn't seen anything like a movie, an animal, or a person do this. This is a very normal part of growing up and some of us never have had to deal with it and others of us have all the time.
So don't think that if you have kissed your husband or sat next to him on the couch that she knows about sex because she don't and also don't think that you have let somebody come over and they have shown her to do this. You haven't done anything wrong and nobody should incinuate that you have or allowed her to see something inapropriate.Your daughter is not "weird" or gonna grown up to be a sexal predator or anything like that, thats just stupid and insane. That being said heres my advice like others have said when she does start doing this tell her we do not do it in public places your living room, restaurants, stores and etc, we only do these things in our room with the door shut. In my opinion I wouldn't carry her to her room I would tell her to go to her room herself and make sure she gets there. If she is doing this when you are getting ready to leave I would tell her no now is not the time and lets go wash your hands and we have to go bye bye or we have to go eat now. I would make sure she washes her hands after she comes out of her room. And when you geive her a bath start showing her the proper way to clean her body. Sitting in soapy water isn's going to do it. This will keep the risk of a yeast infection down. My daughter is 3 and I have tought her how to wash her body and her private parts herself. And it didn't have anything to do with this.
I have 4 children and in each child I have dealt with this in various forms such as humping, touching and things like this. I think this is a very private matter I would only tell the people that need to know, I would also talk to your daycare provider and agree on what she is gonna do if she starts doing it there. I watch a little girl right now that discovered this also, her mother and I talked about what we were gonna do and came to an agreement. I do not allow her to do this here at daycare (beacuse of other children around) but her mother decides at her discression where and when if you know what I'm saying (such as if they are getting ready to eat or leave). This doesn't mean that her mother or I are doing anything inappropriate. I have seen it sometimes in the kids I watch or have watched. They are children and they are discovering themselves and they should not be made fun of or made an outcast because of it.
In my opinon she being a girl, she will have to deal with many things as she gets older and she needs to be comfortable in her own skin. You are her mother and later on you will have to guide her. All of us with little girls will one day have to go training bra shopping and buy their first box of pads, we all better get comfortable because they are not gonna stop growing up or wait for us.
I will say again you have done nothing wrong and this is very normal and alot of us have gone through it, still going through it, and it has picked back up again.
So ladies that have boys you will see this again later on in your sons lives, you will notice lotion bottles diappearing, shampoo, bars of soap, body wash and anything else. It's a natural, healthy thing.
Lay down some rules that she has to follow with this behavior and follow through with it. Hope this helps you W.
It absolutely infuriates me that people would accuse a child care provider that they do not know in any shape or form that this is where this little girl could be getting this from. And if you other people that are giving opinions such as this than you might as well accuse us all. I have watched plenty of children and known plenty that this is a normal stage of growing up including my own and the 3 oldest ones have never seen anything inapropriate. And to accuse the parent that she is allowing her 2 yr old to watch an inapropriate tv show is absouletly absurd. Most 2 yr olds can barely sit still let alone watch a tv show of this nature. When you are gonna give opinions that say a child care provider is doing wrong than you should make sure you know the child care provider and not accuse or incinuate, and just keep your unneeded comment to yourself.
I'm sorry J. but that is uncalled for. I have a 2 yr old that I watch right now and she does the same sort of thing and I have done nothing wrong at all or allowed her to watch something inapropriate. And it is not the first child that has done it and it surely wont be the last. This is a normal part of growing up and a stage in life she is going through.