I didn't have this issue when my kids were little but your idea of taking the crib away while your daughter is away is an excellent one. She will obviously have to adjust to sleeping in a different bed while away so that is the perfect time to make the transition. When she gets home she will be looking forward to her familiar surroundings and I think her room alone will be enough to comfort her during the transition.
The most important thing you can do though is to put all the things that are in her crib onto her bed including the sheets. Even if the sheets dont fit the new bed, put them on (without washing them.)The familiar sights and smells of her old crib will just be on a new frame and make it easy for her to adjust.
Good luck- it might take a week to adjust but enventually she is going to fall asleep. Even if she refuses the new bed she might fall asleep on the sofa or your bed, but you can put her in her new bed while she is sleeping and that is where she will wake up and realize it isn't so bad afterall.