Hey H....
It might be the fact that he is in a center, have you looked into Certified homes? they regulated by the state much like Centers but have smaller groups.
At our place I must admit my son is the biter, we know this so we are always there when we see him getting angry to stop him. He has gotten a few kids, but I guess I am trying to say is our group is small enough that we are able to stop him before it happens.
I don't think there is really anything you can do except look for alternative care. There are Rules at Centers and they often aren't allowed to use understanding in situations.. just have to follow the corporate rules.
I wouldn't personally remove him for clenching his fists. He was probably very upset,and had every right to be. Here at our place we tell the children Wow! you are very angry that he bit you! and the tell the child whom bit him. Look at "jim" he is angry that you bit him. How can we help him to feel better?".
My Business partner and I have gone through the Early Childhood Ed program at PCC. We have gained invaluable information on guidance and understanding when it comes to children and these kinds of situations.
Email me if you have any questions!