I have 3 girls in one room, 3 boys in the other. They rarely keep one another up. Bed time routine...get ready for bed, read a short story, tuck in! the middle ones stay up 15 minutes later than the youngest.(this is for a couple reasons, 1st gives the older ones a bit of "I got one on you", 2nd it gives the youngest ones a few minutes to get the wiggles out).and the older ones have a seperate time all together, but they ALL get tucked in and no there is no issue, once in a while they will complain if the baby is having a hard time falling asleep, but they usually figure it out by them selves, I do not get too involved, if so then it turns into a NIGHTLY thing, "mom..."xyz" is bugging me" etc. So I let them deal with it (usually) I do not let them play at bed time(this is just me) I tuck them in and they stay in bed, I usually leave a hall light on until I go to bed, then make sure everyone is covered etc. and OFF go the lights, we do have night lights in the hall and bath that are light sensors, and one in each room they control,(for personal comfort). Turned a regular desk lamp into one, with the switching of a light bulb! Worked great. They get use to having one another in the room and will soon "ignore" the other one when he/she bugs in the middle of the night. Be consistent in what ever you do!! A pattern usually takes 10 days for a child to learn..keep with it. It might take a bit longer, but the more consistent you are the sooner it will happen and the happier you ALL will be. Including the baby! GOOD LUCK and Best Wishes.