I have two boys that are roughly three years apart. I have learned that they are and will be naturally competitive. Dr. Kevin Lehman's book The New Birth Order Book helped me and so did Dobson's Bringing Up Boys. We have always emphasized a strong relationship between the two and encouraging them to be best friends. This took time. They are now 4 and 7 and they share a room. They are best friends now and hate to sleep apart. Does this mean they never fight or squabble? Of course not! Now we are teaching them to work together to solve their differences.
Best advcie for the short-term---three year olds love to help and be considered "big". Get him involved. Practice on a stuffed bear what it looks like to take care of baby brother. Let him have special big boy privileges (ie: slightly later bed time or two books at nap time instead of one). God will give your family grace to add this newest one!