I used to worry about my parents finances too when I was young. I would always hear them talking about 'getting on their feet'. To this day, I really don't know what they meant but I would assume they were talking about credit cards. I would become very stressed about going out to dinner. My fear being that they wouldn't be able to pay the bill. I would always save whatever money I had and take it with us...just in case.
I can't imagine why she would be so emotional about finances but its excellent that she is so aware of how much trips to the movies and such cost. (maybe its the news, its so depressing!)
Its never a bad time for kids to learn to be frugal :) If she is this concerned, it is an excellent opportunity to teach her to save. Maybe open a savings account and deposit the money she normally would have spent on lotion and other stuff. Once she sees her savings grow, maybe it will put her mind at ease.