That drives me crazy too. People need to mind their own business about everything. My husband I were dating for 2 years and everyone kept saying "when are you getting married?" We got married and then it was "when are you going to have a baby?" We had a baby and now its "when are you going to have another? Why everyone thinks there's a certain timeline we need to follow is beyond me.
Anyway, my son is 21 months old and I always said thought I wanted 2 kids. I have a younger brother and I feel that life would've been boring without him. Yes we fought sometimes and yes I did occasionally get jealous when he was getting more attention but overall I can't imagine what it would've been like with just me and my parents. Now that I have one, the idea of having another scares me for the same reasons that you've shared not to mention the financial impact of sending 2 kids to daycare. So no, I don't think there's anything wrong with you and please don't let others make you feel like there is. And whenever I get a comment from someone about another baby or before when people asked about marriage or the first baby my answer was always the same - I'm very happy with my life as it is.