Hello,,I read your story and I had to respond,,yes she should talk to someone, I have 3 children,,my youngest two are 8 camry thats my daughter, and John is 7 they are both speakin to child psychologist because of several issues,,,one being behavorial especially with John,,,I found out he's suffering from depression and anxiety,,he's been suspended from school twice this year and hes only in the second grade,,he was facing expulsion because of his behavior, he's a football player and is already big,,can you imagine how huge he will be next year if he was to get left back? haha,,i dont mean to laugh but damn. You daughter is going through some things related towards sharing mommy and daddy with this new person,,known to her as her baby sister,,of course she requires more attention considering she's a baby,,,and your oldest has had you guys all to herself for 4 years and now look,,,what i've learned by taking my kids to talk to a psych, is that,,even tho they are our children,,sometimes its easier for them to talk to a complete stranger. They can say the exact same things that you say,,and take it different because its not mommy or daddy saying it. I take them to St. Elizabeth hospital here in Datyon,,its called Good Samaritan Behavorial health,, I work at good sam,,,,they are good with kids to,,,and by the way,,my son is really improving,,my daughter started acting out,,because she wanted to talk to someone to,,and she didnt like the fact that John had his own person to talk to. Your daughter might enjoy having her own person to talk to,,so that way she doesnt have to share,, it will get better,, she just needs help understanding that,and i found that the child psych can put things in a kids perspective and get them to understand,,where as I couldnt. My daughter talks to a girl,and my son talks to a man,,I just thought it would work out better that way,,,but if you have any questions just let me know