I couldnt help but giggle out loud when I read this! Only because I have been through the same thing, and still going through it! We have a 10 yr., 8 yr., and 5 mos. I have always been the one doing "night night" and reading, etc. I dont remember the two older ones much of what we did, but now, with the new baby, the girls are insistant with me doing all the routines! (to give them credit, they have gotten better with age) It is very hard! But we just have to keep reassuring them that daddy wants time with them too, and "what a treat that daddy gets to read you a book...." or "OBOY! Daddy gets to put _________ to bed tonight" We make it sound like such a treat!! (which it is for both parties, dad and kids) But when I give him baby to hold, he does the same thing; follows me around, under my heels, until I take him back! He getting better, only does it when the baby is fussy or crying. Just keep it up, and keep dad involved, and your little one will come around. We are all creatures of habit, you know! Good luck!