Looking for Cake Decorator

Updated on May 10, 2006
R. asks from McKinney, TX
5 answers

I'm actually looking for a bakery or an individual who bakes and decorates cakes for all occasion. Someone had sent out a request for a place to make a cake for her daughter a few months ago and I actually sent some info on a lady who owns her own company in Plano called Hands on Design. I lost her info and was wondering if anyone out there happens to have it. If not, any suggestions for a REALLY good place to get a birthday cake for my son. I want a cake that people will be talking about. I already know about the Cake Stand in Mckinney. Thanks so much!!

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answers from Dallas on


I just sent another Mom photos from both my boys' parties/cakes... one turned 3 this year and the other 1 yr this past weekend. If you pass me your email, I'd be happy to do the same. Or check out the website: www.dolcevita.com

Good luck, D.



answers from Dallas on

I do not have the contact info handy, but there is a place in Denton called Candy Haven that is phenomenal! We drive from Plano to Denton for her cakes and whenever we host an event, everyone wants to know who my secret cake lady is. She bakes cakes in the back of her candy shop, that is located right on Hwy. 380 in Denton. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

My family has used Willie Mae's bakery a few times over the years, and their cakes are wonderful! They're very unique, too--many 3D designs!
The bakery is in Plano, too, which would probably be good for you.



answers from Dallas on

Her name is Michele at Hands on Design, and you can see her website: www.handsoncakes.com

Give her a call, she did a wonderful job for my sons 5th birthday cake.




answers from Dallas on

I do cakes out of my home. My Photo Gallery: www.tanyascakes.shutterfly.com


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