I have been exactly where you are, except 10 years ago. I worked full time and was a single parent. We lived with my daughter's grandmother from her father's side so very often she was with "nannie" more then she was with "mommy". Let me reassure you that your daughter does not love your mom more. There is a bond and always will be between you and your daughter, especially if you show her love and kindness.
Feeling jealous is normal, but just make sure your mom knows how much you appreciate what she does, you just want to have some alone time with your daughter so that you can strengthen your bond. Your the mother, set the limits, but do so with kindness and simply ask your mom to respect your limits AND the precious time you have with your daughter.
Also try not to get angry with your daughter. She is simply more comfortable with your mom because right now she spends more time with her. It's perfectly normal for her to show the reactions she does and you might be surprised to know that this often happens in day care situations too.
Try to feel blessed in knowing that your daughter is secure in the love your mom has for her and in the love you have for her.
She knows your her mom, take her out for dinner at McDonalds or some other place by yourselves, or take her shopping with you for some alone time and don't be scared to let your mom know that your time with your daughter is precious to you and she needs to respect that.