Please, please, please understand something. I am a granmother. I have three daughters. My middle daughter got married first and had my first grandchild, a boty after all my girls. She was ill during most of the time and I took a leave of absence from work to care for her. When she had HER child I spept on the floor of the baby's room so she wouldn't awaken when the baby cried!!!!! My grandson and two more granddaughters are MY GRANDCHILDREN they are my daughter and son-in-law's children. Your child will NEVER be confused about who loves him. Only YOU can cause your son to turn to his grandmother. A son's love for his mother knows no boundaries. Many wives know this. You must learn that love GROWS. With a beautiful relationship with his grandmother, your son will learn so many things. Most of all respect for older people, the kindness of an extended family and all the things you can provide for him by working and NOT having to take him out of his home where he is safest in the care of a woman who will adore him. No lecture just a little lesson in parenting from one who's been there. I am "Crazy Grandmom" to all three of my grandchilden. I received a Snoopy Valentine's Day card from my grandson. He is nineteen years old. I think he turned out pretty great!!!!!!! C.