My daughter doesn't have ADD or ADHD, but she is similar to your son. I have had the same issues and she hasn't been diagnosed with it, but her issues are so extreme, they were thinking of admiting her to the phsych ward at UVRMC and she is only 9. If you get any good ideas, I hope you wouldn't mind sharing. I am so glad I found this website so there are other mothers that can help. One counselor told me to make a time everynight, that it is just you and your child. 15-30 min. Turn all tv's off, ignore the phone and do what your child wants to do in that half hour. I have noticed my kids are alot happier now that the have mommy and me time. That maybe a option. Just some ideas my daughters counselor offered. Also let her paint through his feelings. My daughter loves that. have him paint what he is feeling or how he sees the world and work from that.