Hi there,
It took us two years, and one miscarriage to conceive our first. It was a long road- and I charted every month, so we knew exactly when to be trying. Looking back, it doesn't seem as long as it was when it was happening, but I know how hard it can be. Luckily for us, my thyroid was treated after my son was born, and we conceived the first time we tried for #2. It was actually a little shocking and unexpected- as we were planning on it taking a while again.
Have you talked to your doctor yet? I would get some blood work done. It could be your thyroid too, which can really wreak havoc on your hormones and make conceiving very hard. I'm on Synthroid and Armour Thyroid now, and feeling a lot better. Have you noticed that you're feeling any different this time around? Doesn't hurt to see your doc and talk to them. It could save you a lot of time.
Good luck to you!!!!