Hi T.,
I haven't taken the time to read other posts, so I'm sorry if I repeat anything you have already been told.
I used ovulation kits to conceive my daughter, and I just ordered my second batch to use for #2. I think they really help so you know when to do the BD (Baby dance :)). You have to use them following the directions. Pay close attention to them. I ordered from babywishes.com, and got 10 for about $8.00. I don't think that's too expensive.
Another thing I do is chart my basal body temperature on Fertilityfriend.com. You have to buy a special thermometer (I got mine at Walmart), and take your temp right when you wake up in the morning (usually arond the same time). This allows you to see a clear picture of your cycle. I am so thankful that I started doing that because I have learned that I ovulate late (anywhere from cycle day 17-20), and that my luteal phase (the time from ovualtion to your period) is short, usually only 10 days. I have been able to take this info to my doctor and we have devised a plan in case I do not become pregnant on my own in a couple of months. The EWCM (egg white cervical mucous) you brought up is also a very good sign that Ovulation is occuring, so I would imagine if that's all you do at the very least you will become pregnant before too long.
Good luck!