I like Patty K's response....stop discussing it. She's not even 2 & it's too abstract for her to grasp that in a few months, what is now in your tummy will be out & a living person. Plus she does not have the verbal skills to articulate what she's feeling. Once the baby is born, get her her own baby that she can feed while you nurse the baby. She can change its diaper & dress it while you do the same for the new baby. You can also try to get her to be your helper which many kids love at this age. Then lavish her w/praise when she's being so helpful & a good big sister. Not to be a Negative Nelly but chances are, since she's so little, she's gonna resent this new baby & act out for a bit. You're really just gonna have to wait & see how she reacts once the baby comes along. Good luck!