One thing my hubby and I agreed on before baby was date night is priority. We waited about 6 yrs before trying to have a child. Low and behold, I got pregnant the first try...we were NOT expecting that.
We agreed to never forgo date night unless of sickness or something coming up that was unavoidable. We are approaching 22 yrs married, 25 yrs together and we have a 15 yr old daughter.
We went out on date night before baby and declared it priority after baby. We have followed through with that and not missed many date nights to this day. Right now we save $$ because daughter is usually busy with her social life or babysitting for a neighbor.
I must say it helps to get away from it all, baby, house, etc and have time together. You don't have to go all out on $$. We have gone from one in mall alone, me tagging along on golf practice, going to NFL,NBA,etc events on date night....even to sports bars to watch sporting events.
We like we follow certain teams and will go to a sports bar or event to do so, hubby is a golfer (semi-pro) so I tag along a lot to watch and critique, other times we have a great dinner at a 5 star restaurant. It is not the $$ you spend on date is the time you 2 have together. Our date night sitters ran $60-$80 a week not including what we did but it was FAR worth keeping the communication open and relationship on course.
Good luck and hang in there. Get some mom/dad time alone...NOT talking about work, baby, etc. Talk about things you want to do, places you want to visit, get the gist.